Today those of us covering PIFA on our blogs got together for a little tour of the city - and PIFA took some photos of us. In the meantime - I took some pictures of them!

This is the Eiffel Tower that's been erected in the Kimmel Center lobby. It has 6,000 lightbulbs on it and will have a light show every evening during the PIFA festival.
And outside of the Kimmel Center is the PIFA video cube showing pictures and highlights from the festival.
Some of the bloggers in front of the cube with the photographer putting them in position.
Here we are for another shoot at the Love statue - and one of my fellow bloggers in his hat that reads "Meat and Potatoes".
The trolly that got us there. We were taken to landmarks all over the city.
And here we are on the way to the Art Museum.
In the next blog I'm deciding whether or write about burlesque or fashion at the opening night gala with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Ballet...votes?
To get a hold of PIFA's (Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts) pics of us keep following <> . Please Like their Facebook <> Page and Follow them on Twitter <> You are supporting the arts in Philadelphia!
Write about burlesque. It would be interesting to see the siren's view on something edgy.